Support the arts in your community with a Sustaining Fund donation.
Donor generosity supports future programming and underwrites outreach programs that bring quality entertainment and master classes to local schools, senior centers, and other organizations.
Lakeshore Community Concerts is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(2) of the IRS Code. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult a tax professional for more information.
Donors are recognized on this page and in each concert program.

Thanks to our 2024 - 2025 Sustaining Fund Donors
($1000 or more)
John W. Anderson Foundation
Indiana Arts Commission
($500 or more)
Rev. Dr. Leroy Fassett
Dr. Sheldon Lewis
Jack Parr
Dr. James M. Rajchel
($499 - $250)
Ed & Kathy Fesenmyer
Mike Mulkey Diane Smosna - In memory of Edward J. Smosna, RPh Babs Zandstra
($249 - $100)
Janice Anthony
Patti and Fred Beckman, Jr.
Joann & Bruce Binkley
Carolyn J. Borchardt
Ellen Byrne Judie & Gary Dresden
Gary and Myra Everhart Bob & Carol Heikema Sheila Johnson Corinne Keleher
Thomas F. & Nancy Kolodziej Larry Kraynik
Dennis & Barbara Lesniewicz
Janet Malone Betty Markley
Lyn McHie
Jim & Margaret McNabney
Pam & Jerry Miller
Robert & Karen Montgomery
Emily Morgan Barbara Radbel & Palmer Myers
Joan Ochs Sue Oczkowski Barbara Pressler Harriet Rincon Dr. Ronald & Christine Small Marie Channall Smith Cheryl Steen
Pat Summers
Hammond Gamma Nu Tri Kappa
Lena Wagner& Joyce Vrabel Randy Walker
Don & Mary Ann Wiltfong
($99 - $35)
Richard & Josephine Ban * Cheryl Banas * Barbara Bard * Renee Berkowitz * Ellamarie S. Boersma * Carl & Eunice Booker * Kathryn & Dennes Dybowski * Elaine Fechalos * Barbara & Terry Ferrari * Syma ’Tiby’ Greenberger * Violet Guinzio * Lynda Hayhurst * Bonnie Kekelik * Jeanne Larsen * David Zonza & Gail Lemon-Zona * Rose & Tom Lewandowski * Janet Lotz * Delores Mann * Joan Mask * Carol Miceli * Dana Milles * Kathleen & Tom Molnar * Bonnie H. Muir * Rosemary Osmulski * Marilyn Pajor * Betty Pierce * Marie Russo * Alex & Dorothy Saltanovitz * Joyce Scherer * Ben & Ann Schmid * Karen Parker Scott * Richard & Gail Shimala * Lake County Alumnae of Sigma Alpha Iota * Dolores Smolen * Beverley Steinman * Beverley Steinman & Russell Tomjanovich * Pat Urban * Joyce Vrable * Trudy Walters * Joyce Weakland * Donna Weidenfeller - Stanley & Victoria Wrobel * Mary Zelencik * Bernadette Zivich * Tom Zmiigrocki
(less than $34)
Robert & Susan Baker * Lydia Castillo * Claudia & Don Cipowski * Karen Csigas * Helene Elias * Celeste Foster * Donald Haavind * Patricia Hamilton * Doris Hauer * Cindy Huddleston * Linda Jancaric * Darlene & Edward Keilbasa * Pat Kincaid * Mary K. Klassen * Nancy Konopasek * Michael and Leslie Krupa * Michael & Leslie Krupa * Darlene Labus * Virginia Lenart * Mary LeVan * Helen Maver * Beth McCabe * Ruth & Joseph Meny * Arideth Minch * Rose Navarro * Thomas Olson * Frances Ottenheimer * Mary Paulton * Janice Polka * Janice Riesenman * Elizabeh Rudnick * Phyllis Sculley * Thomas & Pat Scully * Ed & Lorraine Sharpe * Jim & Mary Szubryt * Jeff Tucek * Greta Vinzent * Lynne Vitkus * Suzanne Wasmund * Diane Weber * Stephanie White * Thomas Wilborn * Carolyn Wojciechowski * Joan Zurad